
Adam 代表取締役

Hi アダムです、オーストラリアのゴールドコーストで生まれました。1999年、高校生時代に初めて日本に訪れて以来、あっという間に時間が経ちました!

Hi, I’m Adam. I was born on the Gold Coast, Australia. I first visited Japan as a High School student in 1999, time has flown by since then! I love the ocean, and especially sailing. I’m a member of a Yacht Racing team here in Nishinomiya. I love kids, and I love the Kobe & Akashi region, so to be able to teach kids here in this area is fulfilling my dream! I look forward to meeting you at Beans!

BA in Japanese (日本語文学士)
MA in Applied Linguistics (応用言語学修士)
Yacht Racing, Travel.
“Language is the road map of a culture. It tells you where its people come from and where they are going.”

Emi 取締役


Hi, I’m Emi. I was born in Tokyo and lived in Australia for a few years and now i love living in Kobe raising my 2 daughters. I love traveling and I have visited 22 countries so far, I enjoy making new friends and experiencing different foods and cultures from all over the world . Speaking English is the key to making your world bigger and brighter. I love music, let’s sing English songs together!

Ukulele, Marine sports, Travel, Art & Painting
Listen to your heart and do what you really like

Hiwako マネージャー


Hi, I’m Hiwako. What’s your dream? I believe all kids are geniuses, and they can be anything they want to be if they try. All of my children enjoy studying English! Feel free to come and have a chat sometime.

Spending time with my children.
“Think different!”

Cameron 講師 & 教育指導・カリキュラム統括

Hi, ニュージーランドの最南端から来たキャメロンです。

Hi, I’m Cameron and hail from the deep south of New Zealand. I’ve been living in Japan since 2012 and enjoy watching Japanese comedians on TV. “Downtown” are my favorite. Which comedians do you like?

Playing video games, Learning web design, Studying Japanese.
“Sweet as!”

Kaster 講師 & 幼児教育・保育施設講師派遣


I’m Kaster, like the news “caster” from Zero!
When I was just out of High School, I moved to Canada for 10 years. I wanna share my experiences in Canada with my students and show them that if they put their mind to it, they can achieve anything! When I was growing up, I loved being around nature, catching fish and cooking food outdoors with my dad every summer. Now I’m hooked on “the outdoors!”

Camping & Outdoors.
“go slowly but surely!” Nobody says learning English is easy. It doesn’t matter how long you take, as long as you don’t give up!

Kris 講師 & 教育指導


Hello, I’m Kris! I am from the United Kingdom, the home of Harry Potter and Fish & Chips. I like history, learning Japanese, watching anime and eating vanilla ice cream. What flavor ice cream do you like?

Playing video games, Listening to Kyary Pamyu Pamyu.
“All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them”. A phrase from Walt Disney.

Abby 講師, 教材管理・統括 & 新教材作成・教材開発


Hello, I am Abby. I’m from Cebu Island in the Philippines. People usually go there for white sand beaches. I like kushikatsu, ramen noodles and Japanese curry. I can eat level-5 spicy ramen and level-3 spicy curry! Do you like spicy food?

Taking pictures, Watching movies & Sightseeing.
“No dream is too big and no dreamer too small!” From the Movie – Turbo

Connor 講師 & イベント立案


Hello! My name’s Connor. I come from a small town in New South Wales Australia called Lismore, known for its rainfall and a bit of a hippie scene. I grew up with my big sister, our dog Pappy, and both our parents’ love of music. I’ve been really into science fiction from a young age, an interest that has led me to enjoy Japanese anime in high school and eventually – along with some great travel experiences to Europe and Japan – decided to come and live here! Teaching is something I’ve always wanted to do, and working here at Beans is turning out to be truly fulfilling.

Film, sci-fi novels, video games, music, and photography.
“Who am I to blow against the wind?” A lyric from Paul Simon.

Kimmy 講師

Hi!! キミーです!太陽が降り注ぐ陽気なカリフォルニアのロサンゼルスから来ました。この街を散策すると、有名なランドマークのハリウッドサインや、すごく美味しいハンバーガーなど、たくさんの素敵な場所を発見できます。私はいつも愛犬と冒険していました。私は短編映画を撮影したり写真を撮るのが大好きです。あなたのお気に入りの映画は何ですか?

Hi I’m Kimmy! I am from sunny Los Angeles, California. Home of the Hollywood sign, really yummy hamburgers, and lots of great places to hike and explore. I enjoy being active and going on adventures with my dog. I love making short films & photography. What’s your favorite movie?

Movies, reading, painting, video games, astronomy, cooking, and much more!
“Just keep swimming” – Dory.

Jon 講師

こんにちは、ジョンです!スコットランドのダンディーという街から来ました。ダンディ-は3つの”J”(Jute/ジュート(布)、Jam/ジャム、 Journalism/ジャーナリズム)で有名です。そして僕も”J”(Jon/ジョン)です!日本に興味を持ったは中学生の頃からです。日本のアニメや歴史、特に侍、忍者、お城、桃太郎やかぐや姫のような日本の昔話が大好きです。学校で柔道も習っていました。みんなの趣味も教えてくださいね!一緒に日本とスコットランドの文化をシェアしましょう!

Hello, I’m Jon! My hometown is Dundee, Scotland. It is known for the 3 J’s; Jute, Jam , Journalism… and Jon. In junior high school was when my interest in Japan started to flourish. With me starting to watch anime, more knowledge about the history of Japan, like samurais, ninjas, castles, folk stories, and being a part of my school’s judo team. I want to know what interests you and share our cultures with each other!

Jazz music, playing video games, watching movies and TV, art, martial arts, the outdoors, but I am open minded and would like to try anything at least once.
“Keep on, keeping on!

Tina 講師


Hi, I’m Tina. I’m from a small quiet town, Haiduong, in the north of Vietnam. After getting marked only 3/10 for my English test in grade 8, I started learning English seriously and just loved it. English has been the magical key to opening many new doors, new ideas, new friends, and experiences for me. I enjoy taking long hikes in nature, moving my body, and being upside down on my head!

Exercising, Nature, The moon & Daydreaming!
“No regrets. Only lessons and blessings!”

Ryo (Roy) 受付・アシスタント & 講師


Hi, I’m Ryo! I was once a Beans Student for six years, from the second grade of junior high school until university. I majored in English at university and also studied abroad in Vancouver, Canada. I want to support all students at Beans, because I know how much fun you can have being able to speak English, and also I know how much fun classes are at Beans! My dream is to become trilingual, so I study French too. Lets enjoy studying hard together!

Watching and playing all sports.
“Everything in our lives is meaningful, there is nothing wasted in our lives. It all depends on you.”

Rika 文法の専門講師


Hi, I’m Rika. I enjoy comparing grammatical differences between Japanese and English, and love making new grammar-games. Please feel free to ask me any questions, I love chatting with my students.

Exercising, Stretching, and Dancing.
“Hard work doesn’t betray.”

Kumiko 受付・アシスタント


Hi, I’m Kumiko. I love to stay at home and relax on my days off. I usually spend my time watching American dramas, in English of course! Though, sometimes I need Japanese subtitles. What’s your favorite drama?

Watching Movies, Listening to Music.
“Take it easy!”

Karen 受付・アシスタント


Hello, my name is Karen. I love foreign countries and went sightseeing in the U.S. alone when I was 18 years old, even though I could not speak English! I am still studying English. On my days off, I like shopping and relaxing in cafes while listening to Western music. Which country would you like to visit first?

Shopping, Playing Animal Crossing (game), Watching Anime.
“Every moment matters!”

Taichi 受付・アシスタント


Hi, my name is Taichi! I was a student at Beans for 10 years, from when Uozumi School first opened in 2007 until the end of Junior High School. I loved learning English at Beans, and went on to study English at University and also was an exchange student in Australia. I hope you too can have fun learning English!

Playing music and visiting hot springs
“All things work together for good”

Miko 受付・アシスタント


Hi, I’m Miko. I grew up in Maiko and lived in the USA for about 10 years. Living overseas was a life-changing experience for me. If you are interested in studying or working abroad, come and share your dreams with me, I’ll support you!

Trying new things, Golf.
“What you are looking for is looking for you.”